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Thurston County’s Trusted Towing Company

Capitol Towing & Recovery has provided car and motorcycle owners with reliable towing services and roadside assistance since 2001. As a locally-owned and operated business, we know the importance of prompt and reliable services. When you’re stranded on the side of the road or if your car won’t start in your driveway, we’re the team you can trust to help you get your vehicle back on the road. Our knowledgeable and friendly technicians are dedicated to offering high-quality, friendly, and affordable roadside services. With over two decades of service in the community, we’ve developed a positive reputation with our customers. Learn more about why we’re the preferred towing and recovery company. Contact us today if you’re vehicle is broken down.

Cars are towing

Why We’re the Areas Towing and Recovery Leader

Throughout Olympia, Washington, and the surrounding communities, vehicle owners know they can trust Capitol Towing & Recovery for all their towing and auto recovery needs. Whether you’ve been in a car accident or your car’s battery is dead, you need a professional and responsive team to assist you. Vehicle emergencies put you, your passengers, and other motorists in danger. We can ensure you get to where you need to go quickly and safely. Discover why more drivers choose us for their roadside emergencies.

24/7 Availability

We understand that our customers have unique schedules. Whether you’re working the third shift or leaving for work in the morning, we offer 24/7 availability to handle your roadside emergency. You can always count on our team to be there for you when we’re needed most.

Comprehensive Services

We offer comprehensive roadside services, including battery jumpstart, flat tire repair, vehicle towing, motorcycle towing, and accident recovery.

Trained Towing Experts

Capitol Towing & Recovery has an experienced and knowledgeable towing team that is there to serve you. Your safety and the safety of our drivers are paramount. Once we arrive, we’d be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Modern Equipment

Our team has access to the latest equipment and a fleet of dependable tow trucks to ensure you get the service you deserve.

Schedule Your Tow Service Today

Being stranded on the side of the road is dangerous. Contact the professionals at Capitol Towing & Recovery right now to schedule your roadside towing or service. As a local company, our drivers will arrive within 20 minutes to assist you. With the right equipment and two trucks, our experts can help with various roadside emergencies. Whether you’ve been in an accident or have a flat tire, we’re the local team you can trust. Contact us today to get started.

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