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Capitol Towing is the only tow service I’ll ever use. I called all around town and they are the best deal by far. On top of the great price Tim was friendly, fast, efficient, skilled and had great communication every step of the way. Don’t bother looking elsewhere.


Clayton is a stand-up guy who went above and beyond to help when our brother’s car was towed due to a medical emergency. He raises the bar for his profession.

Jay Harris

Great overall experience. We,as great of an experience being towed could be. They handled everything smoothly, were very professional, were able to put me at ease given the stresses that are associated with your vehicle breaking down and most importantly, they were able to help quick!!! Thank you for all of your help guys!

Michael Brazil

Amazing people, squeezed me into their busy Christmas Eve schedule somehow! Fast, friendly, and transparent about the pricing and the process. They went out of their way for me and for the safe towing of my low profile vehicle :)


Clayton is the man, my girlfriend and daughter were on their way to Vancouver when her car broke down. I left work early to pick them up and called up Capital, they got to us very quick! I highly recommend their excellent service to anyone who needs a tow. Affordable pricing considering the hard work that they do! Thank you Capital Towing & Recovery!

Chris Reyes

Great service and very nice. Will be using this service whenever we break down around town. They helped my dad tow his 1950 merc. Carefully loaded and unleaded. also the price you cannot beat anywhere else.

Daniel Anderson

We will never call anyone else if we need a tow and neither should you! These guys deserve 10 stars. They gave us a crazy good rate compared to other companies in the area and only took about 15min to get here. The driver was such a nice guy too. This place is honest and professional and really helped us in a tough situation where we had to have our van towed multiple times. They really made our experience with them awesome. Thank you so much!

Miriah Johnson

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